Dropwizard comes with support for dynamic configuration of https://www.dropwizard.io/en/latest/manual/core.html#logging-filters log filters. However, it ships with just a single filter, the https://www.dropwizard.io/en/latest/manual/core.html#filtering-request-logs-for-a-specific-uri UriFilterFactory.One can create logging filters that will intercept log statements before they are written and decide if they’re allowed. Log filters can work on both regular statements and request log statements.Liftwizard provides an improved RequestUrlFilterFactory for request logs and JaninoFilterFactory for plain logs. RequestUrlFilterFactory RequestUrlFilterFactory is an improved version of UriFilterFactory . It can filter access logs that do or don't match a list of urls.To use it, add a dependency on liftwizard-config-logging-filter-requesturl . Then add a filter factory to your config with type url and a list of urls to include or exclude. The default value of onMatch is ch.qos.logback.core.spi.FilterReply.DENY . JaninoFilterFactory JaninoFilterFactory allows you to specify the filter condition in a snippet of Java code that gets compiled with https://janino-compiler.github.io/janino/ Janino.To use it, add a dependency on liftwizard-config-logging-filter-janino . Then add a filter factory to your config with type janino and a javaExpression that evaluates to a boolean. The default value of onMatch is ch.qos.logback.core.spi.FilterReply.DENY . json5 { "logging": { "level": "DEBUG", "appenders": [ { "type": "console", "timeZone": "${LOGGING_TIMEZONE:-system}", "logFormat": "%highlight(%-5level) %cyan(%date{HH:mm:ss.SSS, %dwTimeZone}) %gray(\\(%file:%line\\)) [%white(%thread)] %blue(%marker) {%magenta(%mdc)} %green(%logger): %message%n%rootException", "filterFactories": [ { "type": "janino", "javaExpression": "logger.equals(\"io.liftwizard.logging.p6spy.P6SpySlf4jLogger\") && mdc.get(\"liftwizard.bundle\").equals(\"DdlExecutorBundle\")", "onMatch": "DENY" } ] } ] } }