Adding the dependency

The configures the Jackson used by Dropwizard for serializing and deserializing all responses as well as for logging by bundles such as supports configuring pretty printing on or off and serialization inclusion to any value in Jackson s also turns on all json5 features turns on turns on and turns on serialization of dates and Strings To turn it on add to the list of registered bundles You ll be able to see that is working because the output of will now be pretty printed by default lives in the module ObjectMapperBundle ObjectMapper liftwizard bundle logging config ObjectMapperBundle JsonInclude Include ObjectMapperBundle FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES STRICT_DUPLICATE_DETECTION ObjectMapperBundle @Override public void initialize Bootstrap<HelloWorldConfiguration> bootstrap JsonConfigurationFactoryFactory uses a separate ObjectMapper and can be configured earlier bootstrap setConfigurationFactoryFactory new JsonConfigurationFactoryFactory<> bootstrap addBundle new EnvironmentConfigBundle bootstrap addBundle new ObjectMapperBundle ConfigLoggingBundle uses the ObjectMapper configured by ObjectMapperBundle bootstrap addBundle new ConfigLoggingBundle ObjectMapperBundle ConfigLoggingBundle ObjectMapperBundle liftwizard bundle object mapper <dependency> <groupId>io liftwizard< groupId> <artifactId>liftwizard bundle object mapper< artifactId> < dependency>