The extends The bundle registers the GraphIQL UI at and the GraphQL Playground UI at by delegating to This overrides the behavior of the smoketurner bundle which registers just one UI at graphiql in older versions and graphql playground in newer versions The bundle also registers two instrumentations for logging and metrics If you choose not to use the bundle you can still register the instrumentations separately To turn it on add to the list of registered bundles lives in the module LiftwizardGraphQLBundle com smoketurner dropwizard graphql GraphQLBundle graphiql graphql playground AssetsBundle LiftwizardGraphQLBundle @Override public void initialize Bootstrap<HelloWorldConfiguration> bootstrap bootstrap setConfigurationFactoryFactory new JsonConfigurationFactoryFactory<> bootstrap addBundle new EnvironmentConfigBundle bootstrap addBundle new ObjectMapperBundle bootstrap addBundle new ConfigLoggingBundle bootstrap addBundle new JerseyHttpLoggingBundle bootstrap addBundle new LiftwizardGraphQLBundle<> builder > TODO Set up GraphQL wiring builder scalar builder type LiftwizardGraphQLBundle liftwizard bundle graphql <dependency> <groupId>io liftwizard< groupId> <artifactId>liftwizard bundle graphql< artifactId> < dependency>