Dropwizard provides an interface called It s just a and a It s a with start stop lifecycle methods works well when you have one of them When you have multiple data sources it can be difficult to tie them together through configuration For example if you use Liquibase for migrations you d need to write code to tie specific migrations to specific data sources it cannot be done through configuration alone Liftwizard provides which is a with a name Other Liftwizard bundles expect s to be configured and refer to them by name in their own configuration In the liquibase example we could tie specific migrations to specific data sources through configuration alone Different named data sources can refer to different databases or the same database configured different ways In the following example we have one data source for Postgres and three data sources to connect to h2 over the network in memory and on disk To use named data sources start by changing the Configuration class to implement Add a field with type Add the getter setter required by the interface Now we can use the named data sources in the configuration of other bundles For example we use the data source named in the liquibase configuration ManagedDataSource public interface ManagedDataSource extends DataSource Managed io dropwizard lifecycle Managed javax sql DataSource DataSource ManagedDataSource NamedDataSource ManagedDataSource NamedDataSource NamedDataSourceFactoryProvider public class HelloWorldConfiguration extends Configuration implements NamedDataSourceProvider other interfaces NamedDataSourcesFactory @JsonUnwrapped private @Valid @NotNull NamedDataSourcesFactory namedDataSourcesFactory new NamedDataSourcesFactory @JsonProperty dataSources @JsonUnwrapped public NamedDataSourcesFactory getNamedDataSourcesFactory return this namedDataSourcesFactory @JsonProperty dataSources @JsonUnwrapped public void setNamedDataSourcesFactory NamedDataSourcesFactory namedDataSourcesFactory this namedDataSourcesFactory namedDataSourcesFactory h2 tcp