Dropwizard ships with a dropwizard migrations bundle The module provides you with a wrapper for Liquibase database refactoring The built in bundle provides Dropwizard Commands for a command line interface to run migrations It does not provide a way to run migrations on application startup That s where Liftwizard comes in To run migrations with Dropwizard you run a command like To run migrations with Liftwizard you run the usual command and Liftwizard will run migrations on startup There are pros and cons of tying migrations to application startup The main pros are that you don t have to remember to run migrations and that they apply to embedded databases in tests The main con is that migrations can take a long time and you may not want to block application startup To turn it on add to the list of registered bundles Change the Configuration class to implement Add a field with type Add the getter setter required by the interface Configuration The requires that you re already using named data sources Add a liquibase section to your json or yaml configuration is an array to allow multiple migrations to different data sources Each dataSourceMigration s must match a dataSource s name in the section If no is specified is the default can be or is the default are an array of Liquibase context tags With this configuration in place migrations will run on application startup dropwizard migrations java jar hello world jar db migrate helloworld yml server LiftwizardLiquibaseMigrationBundle @Override public void initialize Bootstrap<HelloWorldConfiguration> bootstrap bootstrap addBundle new LiftwizardLiquibaseMigrationBundle LiquibaseMigrationFactoryProvider public class HelloWorldConfiguration extends Configuration implements LiquibaseMigrationFactoryProvider other interfaces LiquibaseMigrationFactory private @Valid @NotNull LiquibaseMigrationFactory liquibaseMigrationFactory new LiquibaseMigrationFactory @JsonProperty liquibase @Override public LiquibaseMigrationFactory getLiquibaseMigrationFactory return this liquibaseMigrationFactory @JsonProperty liquibase public void setLiquibaseMigrationFactory LiquibaseMigrationFactory liquibaseMigrationFactory this liquibaseMigrationFactory liquibaseMigrationFactory LiftwizardLiquibaseMigrationBundle dataSourceMigrations dataSourceName dataSources migrationFileName migrations xml migrationFileLocation classpath filesystem classpath contexts